The University of Waikato
怀卡托大学的主校园位于新西兰的第四大城市汉密尔顿(13万5千人)。该市地处北岛,在奥克兰以南,90分钟的车程。4万6千多名学生都在该市接受高等教育,因此学生生活十分丰富多彩。一流的购物中心、咖啡馆、餐厅和酒吧、国际标准的级运动场馆、戏剧团体、美术馆——只有你想不到的,没有汉密尔顿没有的。汉密尔顿是一座国际化的城市,餐厅和咖啡馆种类繁多——泰国、墨西哥、西班牙、日本、印度、中国等等国家的美食,都在这里齐聚一起,所以要外出就餐的选择实在是太多了。 在汉密尔顿,你可以“无烦恼”地享受大城市的一切便利。当地的交通很少,从大学开车到市中心只要5分钟。在汉密尔顿校园里就有学生宿舍,因此学生去上课十分方便。 怀卡托大学在陶郎加(Tauranga)开设的各类种课程也越来越多。这里是新西兰最受欢迎的地点——美丽的沙滩、丰富多彩的城市生活和大学学习有机地结合在了一起。因此无论你是在汉密尔顿还是在陶郎加校园学习,出行旅游都非常方便。 怀卡托大学地处这个探险之国的中心。拉格兰(Raglan)和南半球最好的休闲之地离这里只有40分钟的距离,科罗曼德(Coromandel)和丰盛湾(Bay of Plenty)则有新西兰最美丽的沙滩。怀卡托是离华卡帕帕(Whakapapa)滑雪胜地最近的大学,而且从大学开车不久,附近还有森林、湖泊和温泉池。 南怀卡托是骑山地车、攀岩和赛车的理想地点。想有更多肾上腺素刺激的人则可以尝试喷射艇、四轮摩托或者全国最棒的白水漂流等。陶波(Taupo)的蹦极、跳伞和滑水等运动也十分著名。
怀卡托大学成立于1964年,是新西兰政府资助的8所公立大学之一,在校学生12,500多名,国际留学生2200多名,来自全世界70多个国家。怀卡托大学在世界上享有很高的知名度,更以管理、法律、计算机、自然科学和教育见长,曾被英国《每日电讯报》誉为南半球的哈佛。2016年被认证为“QS五星级大学”。 其管理学院是世界上精英管理学院之一,获得国际高等商学院协会AACSB、欧洲质量发展认证体系EQUIS和英国工商管理硕士协会AMBA的三重认证。 新西兰政府资助、高水准国际认可。 管理,教育,计算机与信息科学,音乐与艺术,科学与技术,传媒与媒体研究,数学与化学,电子商务等学 科领域居全新西兰第一。 管理学院获世界三项皇冠,全球前30位之一; 酒店与旅游管理世界13位。 图书馆拥有超过1,000,000册藏书; 在世界上享有很高的知名度,更以法律、管理、计算机、自然科学和教育见长,被誉为“南半球的哈佛”。 怀卡托大学学生宿舍共有4个,可容纳1000名学生在校园住宿,它们是:Student Village (SV);Bryant Hall (BH);College Hall (CH);Orchard Park (OP)。 在2007年完成的全国研究排名中,怀卡托大学的以下科目在新西兰各大学排名第一:会计与金融、商业、传播学、新闻媒体学、音乐、文学艺术与其他艺术、化学、计算机科学、生态学、进化与行为、生物学、数学和教育。
怀卡托大学图书馆拥有超过1,000,000册藏书;校园网络拥有超过800个终端并与全球主要电子数据库连接,注册学生均可免费运用电子数据库资源。 大学建有辅导机制,学生学习辅导中心 (Teaching and Learning Development Centre) 负责帮助学生熟悉新西兰的教育环境。校园内有方便学生的各种配套设施,如咖啡馆、银行、医疗中心、药店、大学书店、旅行社、勤工俭学介绍处及注册办公室等。此外,全天都有巴士频繁从校园开往市中心和周围地区。 在新西兰的所有大学中,怀卡托大学拥有最大的运动场,而且还有一个引人注目的室内娱乐中心。校园内有四个壁球场、无板篮球场合网球场,有一个50米室外游泳池和跳水池从十二月到三月开放。
怀卡托大学校内有四个学生宿舍,从住宿全包式的到食物自理式的,从传统式的学生宿舍到农庄式的独立小屋,应有尽有。学校的住宿顾问还可帮助学生安排单人宿舍或合居的公寓或住宅。目前学生宿舍共有4个,可容纳1000名学生在校园住宿,它们是:Student Village、Bryant Hall、College Hall、Orchard Park。 所有宿舍都为学生提供单人卧室,包括床、书桌等用品,居住区的同学共用公共设施(如厨房、客厅、淋浴设施等)。另外学生可以选择包含三餐或者自行安排饮食的住宿。
Master of Management Studies(Leadership Communication) (管理研究(领导力与沟通))
Master of Applied Finance (Master of Applied Finance)
Bachelor of Arts-Economics (文学学士-经济学)
Bachelor of Climate Change-Economics (气候变化学士-经济学)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Economics (社会科学学士-经济学)
Master of Business ()
Certificate of Attainment in Foundation Studies (预科)
Diploma in Business (商科文凭)
Bachelor of Management Studies with Honours-Digital Business (管理研究荣誉学士学位-数字化商务)
Bachelor of Management Studies with Honours-Economics (管理研究荣誉学士学位-经济学)
Bachelor of Management Studies with Honours-Human Resource Management (管理研究荣誉学士学位-人力资源管理)
Certificate in Business (商业证书)
Graduate Diploma-Economics (学士后文凭-经济学)
Graduate Diploma-Marketing (学士后文凭-市场营销)
Bachelor of Management Studies with Honours-Marketing (管理研究荣誉学士学位-市场营销)
Bachelor of Management Studies with Honours-Public Relations (管理研究荣誉学士学位-公共关系)
Bachelor of Management Studies with Honours-Strategic Management (管理研究荣誉学士学位-战略管理)
Bachelor of Management Studies with Honours-Supply Chain Management (管理研究荣誉学士学位-供应链管理)
Bachelor of Management Studies with Honours-Tourism and Hospitality Management (管理研究荣誉学士学位-旅游和酒店管理)
Bachelor of Management Studies with Honours (管理研究荣誉学士学位)
Bachelor of Management Studies with Honours-Accounting (管理研究荣誉学士学位-会计)
Bachelor of Management Studies with Honours-Agribusiness (管理研究荣誉学士学位-农业经济)
Bachelor of Management Studies with Honours-Finance (管理研究荣誉学士学位-金融)
Graduate Diploma-Human Resource Management (学士后文凭-人力资源管理)
Graduate Diploma-Strategic Management (学士后文凭-战略管理)
Graduate Diploma-Supply Chain Management (学士后文凭-供应链管理)
Postgraduate Certificate-Management and Sustainability (研究生证书-管理和可持续性)
Postgraduate Certificate-Marketing (研究生证书-市场营销)
Graduate Diploma-Tourism and Hospitality Management (学士后文凭-旅游和酒店管理)
Postgraduate Certificate-Finance (研究生证书-金融)
Postgraduate Certificate-Leadership Communication (研究生证书-领导力沟通)
Postgraduate Diploma-International Management (研究生文凭-国际管理)
Postgraduate Certificate-Digital Business (研究生证书-数字业务)
Postgraduate Certificate-Economics (研究生证书-经济学)
Postgraduate Certificate-Human Resource Management (研究生证书-人力资源管理)
Postgraduate Certificate-International Management (研究生证书-国际管理)
Postgraduate Certificate-Public Relations (研究生证书-公共关系)
Postgraduate Certificate-Tourism and Hospitality Management (研究生证书-旅游和酒店管理)
Postgraduate Diploma-Accounting (研究生文凭-会计)
Postgraduate Diploma-Digital Business (研究生文凭-数字业务)
Postgraduate Diploma-Finance (研究生文凭-金融)
Postgraduate Diploma-Marketing (研究生文凭-市场营销)
Postgraduate Diploma-Strategic Management (研究生文凭-战略管理)
Graduate Certificate in Accounting (研究生证书-会计)
Postgraduate Diploma-Human Resource Management (研究生文凭-人力资源管理)
Postgraduate Diploma-Tourism and Hospitality Management (研究生文凭-旅游和酒店管理)
Graduate Certificate in Digital Business (学士后证书-数字业务)
Graduate Certificate in Economics (学士后证书-经济学)
Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management (学士后证书-人力资源管理)
Graduate Certificate in Strategic Management (学士后证书-战略管理)
Graduate Certificate in Marketing (学士后证书-市场营销)
Graduate Certificate in Supply Chain Management (学士后证书-供应链管理)
Graduate Certificate in Tourism and Hospitality Management (学士后证书-旅游和酒店管理)
Certificate in Management (管理证书)
Graduate Certificate-Accounting (学士后证书-会计)
Graduate Diploma-Accounting (学士后文凭-会计)
Graduate Diploma-Digital Business (学士后文凭-数字业务)
Graduate Diploma-Finance (学士后文凭-金融)
Graduate Certificate in Finance (学士后证书-金融)
Master of Applied Finance (应用金融硕士)
Master of Management Studies (管理研究)
Postgraduate Certificate-Strategic Management (研究生证书-战略管理)
Postgraduate Diploma-Economics (研究生文凭-经济学)
Master of Social Sciences-Economics (社会科学硕士-经济学)
Master of Business and Management (商业与管理硕士)
Master of Professional Accounting (专业会计)
Master of Business and Management (MBM) (商务与管理)
Master of Management Studies(Agribusiness) (管理研究(农业商务))
Master of Management Studies(Economics) (管理研究(经济学))
Master of Management Studies(Marketing) (管理研究(市场营销))
Bachelor of Business Analysis - Financial (BBA(Fin)) (商务分析)
Bachelor of Business Analysis - Financial (BBA(Fin))(Economics) (商务分析-金融(经济学))
Bachelor of Electronic Commerce(Applied Computing) (电子商务(应用计算))
Bachelor of Electronic Commerce(Supply Chain Management) (电子商务(供应链管理))
Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS) (管理研究)
Master of Management Studies(Strategic Management) (管理研究(战略管理))
Master of Management Studies(Tourism Management) (管理研究(旅游管理))
Bachelor of Electronic Commerce(Electronic Business) (电子商务(电子商务))
Bachelor of Electronic Commerce(Leadership Communication) (电子商务(领导力沟通))
Bachelor of Electronic Commerce(Public Relations) (电子商务(公共关系))
Bachelor of Electronic Commerce(Strategic Management) (电子商务(战略管理))
Economics (GradDip(Econ)) (经济学)
International Management (GradDip(IntMgt)) (国际管理)
Accounting (GradDip(Acc)) (会计)
Electronic Business (GradDip(EBus)) (电子商务)
Graduate Certificates in Accounting (会计)
Graduate Certificates in Electronic Business (电子商务)
Graduate Certificates in Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management (行业关系与人力资源管理)
Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting (会计)
Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (人力资源管理)
Postgraduate Diploma in Leadership Communication (领导力沟通)
Postgraduate Diploma in Strategic Management (战略管理)
Master of Digital Business (120 points) (数字商务硕士)
Master of Digital Business (180 points) (数字商务硕士)
Master of Management (管理学硕士)
Bachelor of Communication Studies (BCS)(Leadership Communication) (传媒研究(领导力沟通))
Bachelor of Communication Studies (BCS)(Marketing) (传媒研究(市场营销))
Bachelor of Communication Studies (BCS)(Public Relations) (传媒研究(公共关系))
Foundation Studies Level 4 -Fast Track (预科快捷课程)
Postgraduate Diploma in Agribusiness (农业商务学)
Postgraduate Diploma in Economics (经济学)
Postgraduate Diploma in Electronic Commerce (电子商务)
Postgraduate Diploma in Finance (金融)
Postgraduate Certificate in Accounting (会计)
Postgraduate Certificate in Strategic Management (战略管理)
Postgraduate Certificate in Tourism and Hospitality Management (旅游与酒店管理)
Postgraduate Certificate in Economics (经济学)
Postgraduate Certificate in Finance (金融)
Postgraduate Certificate in Marketing (市场营销)
Postgraduate Certificate in Social Enterprise (社会企业学)
Master of Digital Business ()
Master of Management Studies(Finance) (管理研究(金融))
Master of Management Studies(Human Resource Management) (管理研究(人力资源管理))
Master of Management Studies(International Management) (管理研究(国际管理))
Bachelor of Business Analysis - Financial (BBA(Fin))(Finance) (商务分析-金融(金融))
Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (企业学)
Agribusiness (GradDip(AgBus)) (农业商务学)
Finance (GradDip(Fin)) (金融)
Marketing (GradDip(Mrkt)) (市场营销)
GradDipT/GradDip Tourism & Hospitality Management (Teaching) (旅游酒店管理(教学))
Bachelor of Arts-Economics (文学士-经济学)
Supply Chain Management (GradDip(SCM)) (供应链管理)
Tourism and Hospitality Management (GradDip(THMgt)) (旅游与酒店管理)
Tourism Development (GradDip(TourDev)) (旅游发展)
Graduate Certificates in Economics (经济学)
Graduate Certificates in Marketing (市场营销)
Graduate Certificates in Strategic Management (战略管理)
Graduate Certificates in Supply Chain Management (供应链管理)
Postgraduate Diploma in Management Systems (管理系统)
Postgraduate Diploma in Management Studies (管理研究)
Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing (市场营销)
Postgraduate Diploma in Public Relations (公共关系)
Postgraduate Diploma in Social Enterprise (社会企业学)
Postgraduate Certificate in Human Resource Management (人力资源管理)
Graduate Diploma ()
Certificate in Management-Digital Business (管理证书-数字商务)
Certificate in Management-Human Resource Management (管理证书-人力资源管理)
Certificate in Management-Leadership Communication (管理证书-领导力沟通)
Certificate in Management-Tourism and Hospitality Management (管理证书-旅游和酒店管理)
Diploma in Arts-Economics (文科-经济学)
Bachelor of Communication-Marketing (传播学士-管理学)
Certificate in Management-Accounting (管理证书-会计)
Master of Electronic Commerce (电子商务)
Master of Management Studies(Accounting) (管理研究(会计))
Master of Management Studies(Management Systems) (管理研究(管理系统))
Master of Management Studies(Public Relations) (管理研究(公共关系))
Bachelor of Business Analysis - Financial (BBA(Fin))(Accounting) (商务分析-金融(会计))
Bachelor of Electronic Commerce(Accounting) (电子商务(会计))
Electronic Commerce (GradDip(ECom)) (电子商业)
Human Resource Management (GradDip(HRM)) (人力资源管理)
Postgraduate Certificate in International Management (国际管理)
Postgraduate Certificate in Leadership Communication (领导力沟通)
Postgraduate Certificate in Management and Sustainability (管理与可持续性)
Postgraduate Certificate in Management Studies (管理研究)
Bachelor of Business (商学)
Master of Business Management (Specialised) (商务管理)
Bachelor of Business-Finance (商学-金融学)
Bachelor of Business-Strategic Management (商学-战略管理)
Bachelor of Business-Tourism and Hospitality Management (商学-旅游和酒店管理)
Tourism Management (GradDip(TMgt)) (旅游管理)
Graduate Certificates in Human Resource Management (人力资源管理)
Postgraduate Diploma in International Management (国际管理)
Postgraduate Diploma in Management and Sustainability (管理与可持续性)
Postgraduate Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Management (旅游与酒店管理)
Postgraduate Certificate in Agribusiness (农业商务学)
Postgraduate Certificate in Electronic Commerce (电子商业)
Postgraduate Certificate in Management Systems (管理系统)
Foundation Studies Level 4 -Full Foundation programme (标准预科课程)
Bachelor of Business-Human Resource Management (商学-人力资源管理)
Bachelor of Business-Leadership (商学-领导力)
Bachelor of Business-Marketing (商学-市场营销)
Bachelor of Business-Public Relations (商学-公共关系)
Master of Digital Business (180 pts) (数字商务)
Master of Management Studies-Accounting (管理研究硕士-会计)
Master of Management Studies-International Management (管理研究硕士-国际管理)
Master of Management Studies-Public Relations (管理研究硕士-公共关系)
Postgraduate Diploma-Disability and Inclusion Studies (研究生文凭-残疾及共融研究)
Postgraduate Certificate in Public Relations (公共关系)
Certificate in Management-Marketing (管理证书-市场营销)
Certificate in Management-Strategic Management (管理证书-策略管理)
Certificate in Management-Supply Chain Management (管理证书-供应链管理)
Postgraduate Diploma-International Relations and Security Studies (研究生文凭-国际关系与安全研究)
Postgraduate Diploma-Philosophy (研究生文凭-哲学)
Postgraduate Diploma-Public Relations (研究生文凭-公共关系)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Economics (社会科学-经济学)
Certificate in Management-Agribusiness (管理证书-农业)
Certificate in Management-Economics (管理证书-经济学)
Certificate in Management-International Management (管理证书-国际管理)
Diploma in Business (商业)
Diploma in Management (管理学)
Certificate in Management-Public Relations (管理证书-公共关系)
Bachelor of Banking, Finance & Technology (银行、金融与技术学士学位)
Bachelor of Business-Accounting (商学-会计)
Bachelor of Business-Agribusiness (商学-农业综合企业)
Bachelor of Business-Supply Chain Management (商学-供应链管理)
Master of Business and Management (工商管理硕士)
Master of Digital Business (数字商务)
Master of Management (管理硕士)
Postgraduate Diploma-Environment and Society (研究生文凭-环境与社会)
Bachelor of Business-Digital Business (商学-电子商务)
Bachelor of Business-Economics (商学-经济学)
Postgraduate Diploma-Statistics (研究生文凭-统计学)
Master of Management Studies-Agribusiness (管理研究硕士-农业商务)
Master of Management Studies-Economics (管理研究硕士-经济学)
Master of Management Studies-Finance (管理研究硕士-金融)
Master of Management Studies-Human Resource Management (管理研究硕士-人力资源管理)
Master of Management Studies-Supply Chain Management (管理研究硕士-供应链管理)
Master of Management Studies-Tourism Management (管理研究硕士-旅游管理)
Master of Technology Innovation in Business (商业技术创新)
Postgraduate Diploma-Agribusiness (研究生文凭-农业商务)
Master of Management Studies-Leadership Communication (管理研究硕士-领导力沟通)
Master of Management Studies-Marketing (管理研究硕士-市场营销)
Master of Management Studies-Strategic Management (管理研究硕士-战略管理)
Postgraduate Diploma-Digital Business (研究生文凭-电子商务)
Postgraduate Diploma-Leadership Communication (研究生文凭-领导力沟通)
Postgraduate Diploma-Theatre Studies (研究生文凭-戏剧研究)
Master of Philosophy-Chemistry (研究型硕士-化学)
Master of Science-Materials and Processing (理学-材料与加工)
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours-Civil Engineering (工程学荣誉学士-土木工程)
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours-Environmental Engineering (工程学荣誉学士-环境工程)
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours-Materials and Process Engineering (工程学荣誉学士-材料和工艺工程)
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours-Mechanical Engineering (工程学荣誉学士-机械工程)
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours-Mechatronics Engineering (工程学荣誉学士-机电工程)
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours-Software Engineering (工程学荣誉学士-软件工程)
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (工程学荣誉学士)
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours-Chemical and Biological Engineering (工程学荣誉学士-化学和生物工程)
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours-Electrical and Electronic Engineering (工程学荣誉学士-电气和电子工程)
Graduate Certificate-Engineering (学士后证书-工程类)
Postgraduate Certificate-Engineering (研究生证书-工程学)
Postgraduate Certificate-Materials and Processing (研究生证书-材料和加工)
Certificate in STEM (科学、技术和工程学证书)
Master of Engineering (工程)
Master of Engineering Practice-Materials and Processing (工程实践硕士-材料和加工)
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (Chemical and Biological Engineering) (工程(化学与生物工程))
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours(Materials and Process Engineering) (工程(材料与处理工程))
Master of Engineering Practice (工程实践硕士)
Master of Engineering Practice-Civil Engineering (工程实践硕士-土木工程)
Master of Engineering Practice-Electronics (工程实践硕士-电子学)
Mechanical Engineering ()
Master of Engineering Practice-Mechanical Engineering (工程实践硕士-机械工程)
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours(Electronic Engineering) (工程(电子工程))
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours(Software Engineering) (工程(软件工程))
Postgraduate Certificate in Materials and Processing (Postgraduate Certificate in Materials and Processing)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (BE(Hons))(Mechanical Engineering) (工程(机械工程))
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours-Electrical and Electronic Engineering (工程荣誉学位-电气与电子工程)
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours-Mechatronics Engineering (工程荣誉学位-机电一体化工程)
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (工程荣誉学位)
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours-Chemical and Biological Engineering (工程荣誉学位-化学与生物工程)
Postgraduate Diploma Technology Education (技术教育)
GradDipT/GradDip Engineering (Technology Teaching) (工程(技术教学))
Master of Engineering-Engineering (工程硕士(技术)-工程)
Master of Engineering-Materials and Process Engineering (工程硕士(技术)-材料与工艺工程)
Master of Engineering Practice-Materials and Processing (工程实践硕士-材料与加工)
Certificate in Science-Engineering (理学证书-工程学)
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours-Environmental Engineering (工程荣誉学位-环境工程)
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours-Materials and Process Engineering (工程荣誉学位-材料与工艺工程)
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours-Civil Engineering (工程荣誉学位-土木工程)
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours-Software Engineering (工程荣誉学位-软件工程)
Master of Engineering-Civil Engineering (工程硕士(技术)-土木工程)
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours-Mechanical Engineering (工程荣誉学位-机械工程)
Master of Engineering-Chemical and Biological Engineering (工程硕士(技术)-化学与生物工程)
Master of Engineering-Electrical and Electronic Engineering (工程硕士(技术)-电气与电子工程)
Master of Engineering-Environmental Engineering (工程硕士(技术)-环境工程)
Master of Engineering Practice- Electronics (工程实践硕士-电子学)
Postgraduate Diploma-Engineering (研究生文凭-工程)
Diploma in Environmental Planning (环境规划文凭)
Graduate Certificate-Environmental Planning (学士后证书-环境规划)
Graduate Diploma-Environmental Planning (学士后文凭-环境规划)
Postgraduate Certificate-Environmental Planning (研究生证书-环境规划)
Certificate in Environmental Planning (环境规划证书)
Diploma in Postgraduate Preparation – Pre-Masters (DipPP) (硕士预科)
Bachelor of Arts-Education and society (文学学士-教育与社会)
Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood) (教育学学士-儿童早期教育)
Master of Arts - MA-Education Studies (文学-教育研究)
Bachelor of Climate Change-Education and Society (气候变化学士-教育与社会)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Education and Society (社会科学学士-教育与社会)
Bachelor of Teaching (教育学学士)
Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) (教育学学士-小学)
Graduate Certificate-Digital Learning (学士后证书-数字化学习)
Graduate Certificate-Education and Society (学士后证书-教育与社会)
Graduate Certificate-Human Development (学士后证书-人文发展)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Digital Learning (社会科学学士-数字化学习)
Certificate in Education (教育证书)
Graduate Diploma-Education (学士后文凭-教育)
Graduate Diploma-Adult Learning (学士后文凭-成人教育)
Graduate Diploma-Education and Society (学士后文凭-教育与社会)
Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching(Primary) (研究生文凭-教学(小学))
Postgraduate Diploma-Language and Literacy Education (研究生文凭-语言和识字教育)
Postgraduate Diploma-Science, Technology and Environmental Education (研究生文凭-科学、技术和环境教育)
Master of Arts-Education and Society (文学硕士-教育与社会)
Postgraduate Diploma-Mathematics Education (研究生文凭-数学教育)
Graduate Diploma-Digital Learning (学士后文凭-数字化学习)
Postgraduate Certificate-Children's and Young Adult Literature (研究生证书-儿童和青少年文学)
Postgraduate Certificate-Counselling Studies (研究生证书-辅导学)
Postgraduate Certificate-Education (研究生证书-教育)
Postgraduate Certificate-Education and Society (研究生证书-教育与社会)
Postgraduate Certificate-Educational Leadership (研究生证书-教育领导力)
Master of Educational Leadership (教育领导力)
Master of Teaching and Learning (教学硕士)
Postgraduate Certificate-Human Development (研究生证书-人类发展)
Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching (Secondary) (研究生文凭-教学(中学))
Postgraduate Diploma-Education (研究生文凭-教育)
Postgraduate Diploma-Education and Society (研究生文凭-教育与社会)
Postgraduate Diploma-Educational Leadership (研究生文凭-教育领导力)
Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Secondary), and a Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Technology Teaching) – GradDip(Eng) (中学教育和技术教育)
Master of Educational Management (教育管理硕士)
Graduate Diploma of Teaching - Primary (教育-小学)
Bachelor of Teaching - Early Childhood (教育-早教)
Bachelor of Teaching - Primary (教育-小学)
Bachelor of Teaching - Secondary (教育-中学)
Sport and Leisure Studies (GradDip(SpLS)) (体育与休闲研究)
PGDip Education (教育)
PGDip Disability and Inclusion Studies (残疾与包容性研究)
PGDip (Language & Literacy Education) (语言与识字教育)
Master of Counselling (心理咨询硕士)
Master of Education (教育学硕士)
PGCert (School Principalship) (学校教务)
PGCert (Sport and Leisure Studies) (体育与休闲研究)
PGCert (Tertiary Teaching) (大学教育)
PGCert Counselling (Counselling Supervision) (心理咨询(咨询辅导))
PGCert (Education) (教育)
Graduate Diploma in Teaching - Early Childhood ()
Master of Education in Education ()
Master of Counselling (心理咨询)
Master of Disability and Inclusion Studies (残疾与包容性研究)
Master of Education (Professional Learning) (教育(专业学习))
Master of Teaching and Learning (教育与学习)
Graduate Certificates in Education Studies (教育研究)
PGDip (Sport and Leisure Studies) (体育与休闲研究)
Master of Education Leadership ()
Postgraduate Diploma Education (eEducation) (电子教育)
Postgraduate Diploma Education (Guidance and Pastoral Care) (指导与教牧关怀)
Postgraduate Diploma Education (Middle Schooling) (中等教育)
Postgraduate Diploma Education (Music Education) (教育(音乐教育))
Master of Education (Global Studies in Education) (教育(全球教育研究))
Bachelor of Sport and Leisure Studies (体育与休闲研究)
Graduate Diploma of Teaching - Secondary (教育-中学)
Master of Social Sciences - MSocSc-Education Studies (社会科学-教育研究)
Bachelor of Teaching (教育学)
PGDipEd (Adult Literacy & Numeracy Education) (成人扫盲与数学教育)
PGDip Educational Leadership (教育领导力)
PGCert Counselling (Family Counselling) (心理咨询(咨询辅导))
PGCert (Education) (Restorative Practices) (教育(复健实践))
Postgraduate Diploma Mathematics Education (数学教育)
Postgraduate Diploma Science Education (理学教育)
Graduate Diploma (Education) (Arts Education) (教育-艺术教育)
Master of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (对外英语教学)
Master of Arts-Education and Society (文科-教育与社会)
Graduate Diploma in Education ()
Postgraduate Diploma Education (Restorative Practices) (复健教育)
Graduate Diploma (Adult Education & Training) (成人教育与培训)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Education and Society (社会科学-教育与社会)
Bachelor of Teaching-Teaching (Primary) (教育学-教育(小学))
Bachelor of Teaching-Teaching (Early Childhood) (教育学-教学(幼儿))
Postgraduate Diploma-Counselling Studies (研究生文凭-咨询研究)
Bachelor of Education ()
Master of Education (教育学)
Master of Teaching and Learning (教与学硕士)
Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching (教学研究生文凭)
Bachelor of Climate Change-Data Analytics (气候变化学士-数据分析)
Bachelor of Computer Science (计算机科学学士)
Bachelor of Computer Science-Embedded Systems (计算机科学学士-嵌入式系统)
Bachelor of Science-Computer Science (理学士-计算机科学)
Bachelor of Computer Science-Data Analytics (计算机科学学士-数据分析)
Graduate Certificate-Data Analytics (学士后证书-数据分析)
Graduate Certificate-Applied Computing (学士后证书-应用计算)
Graduate Certificate-Artificial Intelligence (学士后证书-人工智能)
Graduate Certificate-Computer Science (学士后证书-计算机科学)
Graduate Diploma-Artificial Intelligence (学士后文凭-人工智能)
Graduate Diploma-Communication Design (学士后文凭-通信设计)
Graduate Diploma-Applied Computing (学士后文凭-应用计算)
Postgraduate Certificate in Information Technology (研究生证书-信息技术)
Postgraduate Diploma-Artificial Intelligence (研究生文凭-人工智能)
Postgraduate Diploma-Computer Science (研究生文凭-计算机科学)
Master of Cyber Security (网络安全硕士)
Master of Information Technology (信息技术硕士)
Master of Science (Research)-Environmental Sciences (理学硕士(研究)-环境科学)
Graduate Diploma-Computer Science (学士后文凭-计算机科学)
Graduate Diploma-Data Analytics (学士后文凭-数据分析)
Postgraduate Certificate-Computer Science (研究生证书-计算机科学)
Master of Science-Electronics (理科硕士-电子产品)
Master of Science (Research)-Electronics (理学硕士(研究)-电子产品)
Postgraduate Certificate-Electronics (研究生证书-电子产品)
Master of Science-Artificial Intelligence (理科硕士-人工智能)
Master of Science (Research)-Artificial Intelligence (理学硕士(研究)-人工智能)
Bachelor of Computing & Mathematical Sciences(Mathematics) (计算与数学科学(数学科学))
Master of Information Technology (MInfoTech) (信息技术)
Graduate Certificates in Computer Science (计算机科学)
Graduate Certificates in Mathematics (数学)
Postgraduate Diploma (Computer Science) (PGDip(CompSc)) (计算机科学)
Master of Science (Research)-Computer Science (理学硕士(研究)-计算机科学)
Master of Science (Technology)-Computer Science (理学硕士(技术)-计算机科学)
Bachelor of Science (理学学士)
Master of Cyber Security (MCS) (网络安全)
Bachelor of Computer Graphic Design (计算机图形设计)
Computer Science (GradDip(CompSc)) (计算机科学)
Mathematics (GradDip(Math)) (数学)
Postgraduate Certificate in Information Technology (PGCertInfoTech) (信息技术)
Master of Science-Computer Science (理学-计算机科学)
Certificate in Science-Data Analytics (理学证书-数据分析)
Master of Computer Graphic Design (MCGD) (计算机图形设计)
Bachelor of Computing & Mathematical Sciences(Computer Science) (计算与数学科学(计算机科学))
Graduate Certificates in Computer Graphic Design (计算机图形设计)
Computer Graphic Design (GradDip(CGD)) (计算机平面设计)
diploma in computer science (计算机科学)
Bachelor of Computer Science (计算机科学)
Certificate in Science-Computer Science (理学证书-计算机科学)
Diploma in Design (设计)
Postgraduate Certificate in Information Technology (资讯科技研究生证书)
Bachelor of Design-Communication Design (设计学学士-通信设计)
Bachelor of Design-Industrial design (设计学学士-工业设计)
Bachelor of Design-Interface design (设计学学士-界面设计)
Bachelor of Design-Media design (设计学学士-媒体设计)
Bachelor of Design (设计学学士)
Diploma in Design (设计文凭)
Graduate Certificate-Design Media (学士后证书-设计媒体)
Graduate Certificate-Interface Design (学士后证书-界面设计)
Certificate in Design (设计证书)
Graduate Diploma-Interface Design (学士后文凭-界面设计)
Postgraduate Diploma-Design (研究生文凭-设计)
Graduate Certificate-Media Design (学士后证书-媒体设计)
Graduate Diploma-Design Media (学士后文凭-设计媒体)
Graduate Diploma-Media Design (学士后文凭-媒体设计)
Master of Design(120 points) (设计学硕士)
Master of Design(180 points) (设计学硕士)
Bachelor of Design-Industrial Design (设计学-工业设计)
Bachelor of Design-Interface Design (设计学-界面设计)
Bachelor of Design (设计学)
Bachelor of Design-Media Design (设计学-媒体设计)
Bachelor of Design-Communication Design (设计学-传播设计)
Bachelor of Design-Design (设计学-设计)
Bachelor of Communication-Applied Digital Communication (传播学学士-应用数字通信)
Bachelor of Communication-Creative Media (传播学学士-创意媒体)
Bachelor of Communication-Marketing (传播学学士-市场营销)
Bachelor of Communication-Media Production (传播学学士-媒体制作)
Bachelor of Communication-Public Relations (传播学学士-公共关系)
Bachelor of Arts-Screen and Media Studies (文学学士-屏幕和媒体研究)
Bachelor of Communication (传播学学士)
Graduate Diploma-Screen and Media Studies (学士后文凭-屏幕和媒体研究)
Postgraduate Certificate-Screen and Media Studies (研究生证书-屏幕和媒体研究)
Graduate Certificate-Communication Design (学士后证书-传播设计)
Graduate Certificate-Screen and Media Studies (学士后证书-屏幕和媒体研究)
Master of Arts-Screen and Media Studies (文学硕士-屏幕和媒体研究)
Postgraduate Diploma-Screen and Media Studies (研究生文凭-屏幕和媒体研究)
Bachelor of Media and Creative Technologies(Creative Technologies) (媒体与创意技术(创意技术))
Master of Media and Creative Technologies - MMCT (媒体与创意技术)
Bachelor of Arts(Screen and Media Studies) (文学(影视与媒体研究))
Bachelor of Media and Creative Technologies(Design Media) (媒体与创意技术(设计媒体))
Bachelor of Media and Creative Technologies(Screen and Media Studies) (媒体与创意技术(影视与媒体研究))
Screen and Media Studies (GradDip(SMSt)) (影视与媒体研究)
Postgraduate Diploma in Theatre Studies (剧院研究)
Bachelor of Communication-Public Relations (传播学士-公共关系)
Master of Arts - MA-Screen and Media Studies (文学-影视与媒体研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Screen and Media Studies (文学士-影视及传媒研究)
Bachelor of Communication-Creative Media (传播学士-创意媒体)
Bachelor of Communication-Applied Digital Communication (传播学士-应用数字通信)
Bachelor of Arts(Theatre Studies) (文学(剧院研究))
Bachelor of Media and Creative Technologies(Creative Practices) (媒体与创意技术(创意实践))
Postgraduate Certificate in Theatre Studies (剧院研究)
Postgraduate Diploma in Screen and Media Studies (影视与媒体研究)
Bachelor of Communication (传播学士)
Bachelor of Arts-Theatre Studies (文学士-剧院研究)
Bachelor of Communication-Media Production (传播学士-媒介生产)
Postgraduate Diploma-Screen and Media Studies (研究生文凭-影视及传媒研究)
Bachelor of Music (音乐学学士)
GradDip - Design Media ()
Bachelor of Arts-Music (文学学士-音乐)
Master of Arts-Music (文学硕士-音乐)
Master of Arts-Theatre Studies (文学硕士-戏剧研究)
Master of Media and Creative Technologies (媒体与创意技术硕士)
Master of Media and Creative Technologies-Creative Practices (媒体与创意技术硕士-创造性实践)
Graduate Certificate-Music (学士后证书-音乐)
Graduate Diploma-Music (学士后文凭-音乐)
Master of Media and Creative Technologies-Screen and Media Studies (媒体与创意技术硕士-屏幕和媒体研究)
Postgraduate Certificate-Music (研究生证书-音乐)
Postgraduate Diploma-Music (研究生文凭-音乐)
Master of Music-Composition (音乐硕士-作曲)
Master of Music-Opera (音乐硕士-歌剧)
Master of Music-Performance (音乐硕士-表演)
Bachelor of Design (Media Design) ()
Bachelor of Music (音乐)
Postgraduate Diploma in Music-music technology/computer music (音乐-音乐技术/计算机音乐)
Master of Arts - MA-Music (文学-音乐)
Music (GradDip(Mus)) (音乐)
Postgraduate Certificate in Music (音乐)
Postgraduate Diploma in Music (音乐)
Master of Music - MMus (音乐)
Postgraduate Diploma in Music-performance (音乐-表演)
Postgraduate Diploma in Music-musicology (音乐-乐理)
Master of Music (MMus) in Composition (音乐(作曲))
Graduate Certificates in Music (音乐)
Master of Music (MMus) in Opera (音乐(戏剧))
Master of Music (MMus) in Performance (音乐(表演))
Postgraduate Diploma in Music-composition (音乐-作曲)
Bachelor of Arts-Music (文学士-音乐)
Diploma in Arts-Music (文科-音乐)
Master of Music (音乐)
Bachelor of Arts-Linguistics (文学学士-语言学)
Bachelor of Arts-Māori and Indigenous Studies (文学学士-毛利人和土著人研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Māori Language/Te Reo Māori (文学学士-毛利语)
Bachelor of Arts-Pacific and Indigenous Studies (文学学士-太平洋和土著研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Theatre Studies (文学学士-戏剧研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Writing studies (文学学士-写作)
Bachelor of Climate Change (气候变化学士)
Bachelor of Arts-Human Development (文学学士-人类发展)
Bachelor of Arts-Philosophy (文学学士-哲学)
Bachelor of Arts-Population studies (文学学士-人口研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Sociology (文学学士-社会学)
Bachelor of Climate Change-Environmental Planning (气候变化学士-环境规划)
Bachelor of Climate Change-Social Policy (气候变化学士-社会政策)
PhD - Linguistics as a subject (语言学博士)
Bachelor of Arts-International Languages and Cultures (文学学士-国际语言和文化)
Bachelor of Arts-Political Science (文学学士-政治学)
Bachelor of Arts-Psychology (文学学士-心理学)
Bachelor of Arts-Social Policy (文学学士-社会政策)
Bachelor of Climate Change-Psychology (气候变化学士-心理学)
Bachelor of Climate Change-Sociology (气候变化学士-社会学)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Linguistics (社会科学学士-语言学)
Graduate Certificate-French (学士后证书-法语)
Graduate Certificate-Geography (学士后证书-地理学)
Graduate Certificate-History (学士后证书-历史)
Graduate Certificate-Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management (学士后证书-劳资关系和人力资源管理)
Graduate Certificate-International Languages and Cultures (学士后证书-国际语言与文化)
Certificate in Arts (文学证书)
Graduate Certificate-English (学士后证书-英语)
Graduate Certificate-Japanese (学士后证书-日语)
Graduate Certificate-Pacific and Indigenous Studies (学士后证书-太平洋和土著研究)
Graduate Certificate-Sociology (学士后证书-社会学)
Graduate Diploma-International Languages and Cultures (学士后文凭-国际语言和文化)
Bachelor of Arts-English (文学学士-英语)
Bachelor of Arts-Anthropology (文学学士-人类学)
Bachelor of Arts-Environmental Planning (文学学士-环境规划)
Bachelor of Arts-Geography (文学学士-地理环境)
Bachelor of Arts-History (文学学士-历史)
Bachelor of Climate Change-History (气候变化学士-历史)
Bachelor of Climate Change-Philosophy (气候变化学士-哲学)
Bachelor of Climate Change-Political Science (气候变化学士-政治学)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Philosophy (社会科学学士-哲学)
Diploma in Arts (文科文凭)
Graduate Certificate-Linguistics (学士后证书-语言学)
Graduate Certificate-Māori Language/Te Reo Māori (学士后证书-毛利语)
Graduate Certificate-Philosophy (学士后证书-哲学)
Graduate Certificate-Social Policy (学士后证书-社会政策)
Graduate Certificate-Spanish (学士后证书-西班牙语)
Graduate Certificate-Theatre Studies (学士后证书-戏剧研究)
Graduate Certificate-Writing Studies (学士后证书-写作研究)
Graduate Diploma-Geography (学士后文凭-地理环境)
Graduate Diploma-Linguistics (学士后文凭-语言学)
Graduate Diploma-Māori and Indigenous Studies (学士后文凭-毛利人和土著人研究)
Graduate Diploma-Pacific and Indigenous Studies (学士后文凭-太平洋和土著研究)
Graduate Certificate-Political Science (学士后证书-政治学)
Graduate Certificate-Population Studies (学士后证书-人口研究)
Graduate Certificate-Public Policy (学士后证书-公共政策)
Graduate Diploma-English (学士后文凭-英语)
Graduate Diploma-Population Studies (学士后文凭-人口研究)
Graduate Diploma-Psychology (学士后文凭-心理学)
Graduate Diploma-Public Policy (学士后文凭-公共政策)
Graduate Diploma-Theatre Studies (学士后文凭-戏剧研究)
Graduate Diploma-Writing Studies (学士后文凭-写作研究)
Postgraduate Certificate-Creative Practices (研究生证书-创意实践)
Postgraduate Certificate-Environment and Society (研究生证书-环境与社会)
Postgraduate Certificate-Māori and Indigenous Studies (研究生证书-毛利人和土著人研究)
Graduate Diploma-Māori Language/Te Reo Māori (学士后文凭-毛利语)
Graduate Diploma-Political Science (学士后文凭-政治学)
Graduate Diploma-Social Policy (学士后文凭-社会政策)
Postgraduate Certificate-Applied Linguistics (研究生证书-应用语言学)
Postgraduate Certificate-Population Studies and Demography (研究生证书-人口研究和人口学)
Postgraduate Certificate-Theatre Studies (研究生证书-戏剧研究)
Graduate Diploma-Philosophy (学士后文凭-哲学)
Graduate Diploma-Sociology (学士后文凭-社会学)
Postgraduate Certificate-Anthropology (研究生证书-人类学)
Postgraduate Certificate-Philosophy (研究生证书-哲学)
Postgraduate Certificate-Political Science (研究生证书-政治学)
Postgraduate Certificate-Professional Writing (研究生证书-专业写作)
Postgraduate Diploma (研究生文凭)
Postgraduate Diploma-Professional Writing (研究生文凭-专业写作)
Postgraduate Certificate-Psychology (研究生证书-心理学)
Postgraduate Certificate-Public Policy (研究生证书-公共政策)
Postgraduate Diploma-Applied Linguistics (研究生文凭-应用语言学)
Postgraduate Diploma-History (研究生文凭-历史)
Master of Arts-English (文学硕士-英语)
Master of Arts-History (文学硕士-历史)
Master of Arts (Applied) (文学硕士(应用))
Master of Social Sciences-Philosophy (社会科学硕士-哲学)
Graduate Certificate-Chinese (学士后证书-汉语)
Graduate Diploma-History (学士后文凭-历史)
Master of Arts-Anthropology (文学硕士-人类学)
Master of Arts-Māori and Indigenous Studies (文学硕士-毛利人与土著研究)
Master of Social Sciences-History (社会科学硕士-历史)
Master of Social Sciences-Political Science (社会科学硕士-政治学)
Postgraduate Certificate-English (研究生证书-英语)
Postgraduate Certificate-History (研究生证书-历史)
Postgraduate Diploma-English (研究生文凭-英语)
Postgraduate Diploma-Māori and Indigenous Studies (研究生文凭-毛利人和土著人研究)
Postgraduate Diploma-Political Science (研究生文凭-政治学)
Master of Professional Writing (专业写作硕士)
Master of Arts - MA (文学)
Bachelor of Arts(Ethics) (文学(伦理学))
Bachelor of Arts(Mathematics) (文学(数学))
Bachelor of Arts(Philosophy) (文学(哲学))
Linguistics (GradDip(Ling)) (语言学)
Master of Arts-Philosophy (文学硕士-哲学)
Master of Arts-Political Science (文学硕士-政治学)
Master of Arts-Psychology (文学硕士-心理学)
Master of Arts (Applied)-Applied Linguistics (文学硕士(应用)-应用语言学)
Postgraduate Diploma in Chinese (中文)
Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Linguistics (应用语言学)
Postgraduate Certificate in Japanese (日语)
Postgraduate Diploma in Japanese (日语)
Postgraduate Certificate in Chinese (中文)
Postgraduate Certificate in German (德语)
Bachelor of Arts(Anthropology) (文学(人类学))
Bachelor of Arts(International Languages and Culture) (文学(国际语言与文化))
Bachelor of Arts(Education Studies) (文学(教育研究))
Bachelor of Arts(English) (文学(英语))
Chinese (GradDip(Chin)) (中文)
International Languages and Cultures GradDip-German (国际语言与文化-德语)
Bachelor of Arts-English (文学士-英语)
Bachelor of Arts-Linguistics (文学士-语言学)
Bachelor of Arts-Pacific and Indigenous Studies (文学士-太平洋与土著研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Political Science (文学士-政治科学)
Bachelor of Arts-Sociology (文学士-社会学)
Bachelor of Arts-Writing Studies (文学士-写作研究)
Postgraduate Diploma in German (德语)
Master of Arts - MA-Mathematics (文学-数学)
Master of Arts - MA-Political Science (文学-政治科学)
Master of Arts - MA-Geography (文学-地理)
Bachelor of Arts-Environmental Planning (文学士-环境规划)
Bachelor of Arts-History (文学士-历史)
Bachelor of Arts-International Languages and Cultures (文学士-国际语言与文化)
Bachelor of Arts-Human Development (文学士-人类发展)
Bachelor of Arts-Population Studies (文学士-人口研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Psychology (文学士-心理学)
Bachelor of Arts-Social Policy (文学士-社会政策)
Master of Arts (Applied) - MA(Applied) (文学)
Bachelor of Arts(Linguistics) (文学(语言学))
Bachelor of Arts(Music) (文学(音乐))
History (GradDip(Hist)) (历史)
Postgraduate Certificate in English (英语)
Postgraduate Certificate in French (法语)
Master of Arts - MA-Anthropology (文学-人类学)
Master of Arts - MA-Chinese (文学-中文)
Postgraduate Diploma in English (英语)
Postgraduate Diploma in French (法语)
International Languages and Cultures GradDip-Chinese (国际语言与文化-中文)
International Languages and Cultures GradDip-Japanese (国际语言与文化-日语)
International Languages and Cultures GradDip-Spanish (国际语言与文化西班牙语)
Bachelor of Arts-Anthropology (文学士-人类学)
Master of Social Sciences - MSocSc-History (社会科学-历史)
Master of Arts - MA-History (文学-历史)
Master of Arts - MA-Psychology (文学-心理学)
English (GradDip(Engl)) (英语)
International Languages and Cultures GradDip-French (国际语言与文化-法语)
Bachelor of Arts (文学士)
Bachelor of Arts-Māori and Indigenous Studies (文学士-Māori和土著研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Education and Society (文学士-教育与社会)
Bachelor of Arts-Geography (文学士-地理)
Bachelor of Arts -Law (文学士-法律)
Bachelor of Arts-Māori Language/Te Reo Māori (文学士-毛利语)
Bachelor of Arts-Philosophy (文学士-哲学)
Biological Sciences (生物科学)
Bachelor of Climate Change-Chemistry (气候变化学士-化学)
Bachelor of Climate Change-Earth Sciences (气候变化学士-地球科学)
Bachelor of Climate Change-Strategic Management (气候变化学士-战略管理)
Bachelor of Science-Ecology and biodiversity (理学士-生态学和生物多样性)
Bachelor of Science-Environmental Sciences (理学士-环境科学)
Bachelor of Science-Materials and Processing (理学士-材料和加工)
Bachelor of Science-Materials Science (理学士-材料科学)
Bachelor of Science (理学士)
Bachelor of Science-Aquaculture (理学士-水产养殖)
Bachelor of Science-Molecular and Cellular Biology (理学士-分子和细胞生物学)
Bachelor of Science (Technology)-Earth sciences (理科学士(技术)-地球科学)
Bachelor of Science (Technology)-Ecology and biodiversity (理科学士(技术)-生态学和生物多样性)
Bachelor of Climate Change-Ecology and Biodiversity (气候变化学士-生态学和生物多样性)
Bachelor of Science-Chemistry (理学士-化学)
Bachelor of Science-Data Analytics (理学士-数据分析)
Bachelor of Science-Mathematics (理学士-数学)
Bachelor of Science-Psychology (理学士-心理学)
Bachelor of Science (Technology) (理科学士(技术))
Bachelor of Science (Technology)-Materials science (理科学士(技术)-材料学)
Bachelor of Science (Technology)-Molecular and cellular biology (理科学士(技术)-分子和细胞生物学)
Bachelor of Science (Technology)-Chemistry (理科学士(技术)-化学)
Diploma in Management (管理学文凭)
Graduate Certificate-Electronics (学士后证书-电子)
Bachelor of Science (Technology)-Environmental sciences (理科学士(技术)-环境科学)
Diploma in Science (理科文凭)
Graduate Diploma-Chemistry (学士后文凭-化学)
Graduate Diploma-Earth Sciences (学士后文凭-地球科学)
Bachelor of Climate Change-Environmental Sciences (气候变化学士-环境科学)
Bachelor of Science-Earth sciences (理学士-地球科学)
Certificate in Science (理科证书)
Graduate Diploma-Materials Science (学士后文凭-材料学)
Graduate Certificate-Statistics (学士后证书-统计学)
Postgraduate Certificate-Mathematics (研究生证书-数学)
Postgraduate Certificate-Molecular and Cellular Biology (研究生证书-分子和细胞生物学)
Postgraduate Certificate-Physics (研究生证书-物理学)
Postgraduate Diploma-Mathematics (研究生文凭-数学)
Postgraduate Diploma-Chemistry (研究生文凭-化学)
Graduate Certificate in Agribusiness (学士后证书-农业企业)
Postgraduate Diploma-Materials and Processing (研究生文凭-材料和加工)
Master of Science-Chemistry (理科硕士-化学)
Master of Science-Earth Sciences (理科硕士-地球科学)
Master of Science-Mathematics (理科硕士-数学)
Master of Science (Research)-Ecology and Biodiversity (理学硕士(研究)-生态学和生物多样性)
Master of Science (Research)-Psychology (理学硕士(研究)-心理学)
Graduate Certificate-Chemistry (学士后证书-化学)
Graduate Certificate-Materials Science (学士后证书-材料学)
Graduate Certificate-Mathematics (学士后证书-数学)
Graduate Certificate-Molecular and Cellular Biology (学士后证书-分子和细胞生物学)
Graduate Diploma-Mathematics (学士后文凭-数学)
Postgraduate Certificate-Chemistry (研究生证书-化学)
Master of Arts-Mathematics (文学硕士-数学)
Master of Science-Computer Science (理科硕士-计算机科学)
Master of Science-Ecology and Biodiversity (理科硕士-生态学和生物多样性)
Master of Science-Materials and Processing (理科硕士-材料与加工)
Master of Science (Technology) (理学硕士(技术))
Master of Science (Technology)-Materials and Processing (理学硕士(技术)-材料和加工)
Master of Science (Technology)-Physics (理学硕士(技术)-物理学)
Postgraduate Diploma-Molecular and Cellular Biology (研究生文凭-分子和细胞生物学)
Postgraduate Diploma-Physics (研究生文凭-物理学)
Master of Science (理科硕士)
Master of Science (Research) (理学硕士(研究))
Master of Science (Research)-Materials and Processing (理学硕士(研究)-材料和加工)
Master of Science (Research)-Mathematics (理学硕士(研究)-数学)
Master of Science (Research)-Molecular and Cellular Biology (理学硕士(研究)-分子和细胞生物学)
Master of Science (Research)-Physics (理学硕士(研究)-物理学)
Master of Science (Technology)-Chemistry (理学硕士(技术)-化学)
Master of Science (Technology)-Environmental Sciences (理学硕士(技术)-环境科学)
Master of Science (Technology)-Molecular and Cellular Biology (理学硕士(技术)-分子与细胞生物学)
Bachelor of Science (BSc)(Biotechnology) (理学(生物技术))
Bachelor of Science (BSc)(Computer Science) (理学(计算机科学))
Bachelor of Science (BSc)(Psychology) (理学(心理学))
Master of Environmental Sciences (环境科学)
Bachelor of Science (BSc)(Animal Behaviour) (理学(动物行为学))
Bachelor of Science (BSc)(Biochemistry) (理学(生物化学))
Bachelor of Tourism(Geography) (旅游业(地理))
Earth Sciences (GradDip(EarthSc)) (地球科学)
Engineering (GradDip(Eng)) (工程)
Postgraduate Diploma (Statistics) (PGDip(Stats)) (统计学)
Master of Science-Molecular and Cellular Biology (理科硕士-分子和细胞生物学)
Master of Science-Physics (理科硕士-物理)
Master of Science-Psychology (理科硕士-心理学)
Master of Science (Research)-Chemistry (理学硕士(研究)-化学)
Master of Science (Research)-Earth Sciences (理学硕士(研究)-地球科学)
Master of Science (Technology)-Earth Sciences (理学硕士(技术)-地球科学)
Master of Science (Technology)-Ecology and Biodiversity (理学硕士(技术)-生态学和生物多样性)
Master of Science (Technology)-Electronics (理学硕士(技术)-电子学)
Master of Social Sciences - MSocSc-Geography (社会科学-地理)
Bachelor of Science (BSc)(Earth Sciences) (理学(地球科学))
Bachelor of Science (BSc)(Environmental Planning) (理学(环境规划))
Bachelor of Science (BSc)(Environmental Sciences) (理学(环境科学))
Bachelor of Science (BSc)(Mathematics) (理学(数学))
Biological Sciences (GradDip(BioSc)) (生物科学)
Chemistry (GradDip(Chem)) (化学)
Materials and Processing (GradDip(Mat&Proc)) (材料与处理工程)
Master of Science (Technology) (理学(技术))
Master of Science (Technology)-Biological Sciences (理学(技术)-生物科学)
Master of Science-Physics (理学-物理)
Graduate Certificates in Earth Sciences (地球科学)
Graduate Certificates in Materials and Processing (材料与处理工程)
Graduate Certificates in Statistics (统计学)
Postgraduate Certificate in Mathematics (数学)
Master of Science-Chemistry (理学-化学)
Master of Science-Statistics (理学-统计)
Certificate in Science-Ecology and Biodiversity (理学证书-生态学与生物多样性)
Certificate in Science-Hydrology (理学证书- 水文学)
Certificate in Science-Materials Science (理学证书-材料科学)
Bachelor of Science-Earth Sciences (理学士-地球科学)
Certificate in Science-Applied Physics (理学证书-应用物理学)
Certificate in Science-Biological Sciences (理学证书-生物科学)
Certificate in Science-Chemistry (理学证书-化学)
Certificate in Science-Coastal Processes (理学证书-海岸作用过程)
Master of Science (理学)
Bachelor of Science (BSc)(Biological Sciences) (理学(生物科学))
Bachelor of Science (BSc)(Statistics) (理学(统计学))
Bachelor of Tourism(Tourism Development) (旅游业(旅游发展))
Geography (GradDip(Geog)) (地理)
Physics (GradDip(Phys)) (物理)
Statistics (GradDip(Stats)) (统计学)
Master of Social Sciences - MSocSc-Demography (社会科学-人口统计学)
Master of Social Sciences - MSocSc-Economics (社会科学-经济学)
Master of Science (Technology)-Earth Sciences (理学(技术)-地球科学)
Master of Science (Technology)-Physics (理学(技术)-物理)
Master of Science-Biological Sciences (理学-生物科学)
Master of Science-Earth Sciences (理学-地球科学)
Master of Science-Electronics (理学-电子学)
Bachelor of Health-Biomedical Sciences (健康学士-生物医学科学)
Certificate in Science-Molecular and Cellular Biology (理学证书-分子与细胞生物学)
Certificate in Science-Psychology (理学证书-心理学)
Certificate in Science-Soil Science (理学证书-土壤科学)
Certificate in Science-Statistics (理学证书-统计学)
Bachelor of Science-Marine Science (理学士-海洋科学)
Bachelor of Science-Materials and Processing (理学士-材料与加工)
Bachelor of Science-Molecular and Cellular Biology (理学士-分子与细胞生物学)
Graduate Certificates in Physics (物理)
Postgraduate Diploma (Mathematics) (PGDip(Math)) (数学)
Master of Design (设计学)
Master of Science (Research)-Environmental Sciences (理科硕士(研究)-环境科学)
Master of Science (Research)-Mathematics (理科硕士(研究)-数学)
Master of Science (Research)-Molecular and Cellular Biology (理科硕士(研究)-分子与细胞生物学)
Master of Science-Ecology and Biodiversity (理科硕士-生态学与生物多样性)
Master of Science (Technology)(180 pts)-Electronics (理学硕士(技术)-电子学)
Master of Science (Technology)(180 pts)-Materials and Processing (理学硕士(技术)-材料与加工)
Postgraduate Diploma-Electronics (研究生文凭-电子学)
Master of Social Sciences - MSocSc-Psychology (社会科学-心理学)
Master of Science (Technology)-Chemistry (理学(技术)-化学)
Master of Science-Mathematics (理学-数学)
Master of Science-Psychology (理学-心理学)
Certificate in Science-Electronics (理学证书- 电子学)
Certificate in Science-Environmental Sciences (理学证书-环境科学)
Certificate in Science-Geology (理学证书-地质学)
Master of Science-Electronics (理科硕士-电子学)
Master of Science (Research)-Chemistry (理科硕士(研究)-化学)
Master of Science (Research)- Computer Science (理科硕士(研究)-计算机科学)
Master of Science (Research)-Earth Sciences (理科硕士(研究)-地球科学)
Master of Science (Research)-Ecology and Biodiversity (理科硕士(研究)-生态学与生物多样性)
Master of Science (Technology)(180 pts) (理学硕士(技术))
Master of Science (Technology)(180 pts)-Chemistry (理学硕士(技术)-化学)
Master of Science (Technology)(180 pts)-Earth Sciences (理学硕士(技术)-地球科学)
Master of Science (Technology)(180 pts)-Ecology and Biodiversity (理学硕士(技术)-生态学与生物多样性)
Diploma in Arts-Mathematics (文科-数学)
Diploma in Science (Dip(Sc)) (理学)
Bachelor of Science-Biological Sciences (理学士-生物科学)
Bachelor of Health-Health Promotion (健康学士-健康促进)
Bachelor of Nursing (护理学)
Bachelor of Nursing with Honours (护理学荣誉学士)
Certificate in Science (理学证书)
Certificate in Science-Earth Sciences (理学证书-地球科学)
Certificate in Science-Materials and Processing (理学证书-材料与加工)
Certificate in Science-Mathematics (理学证书-数学)
Bachelor of Science-Ecology and Biodiversity (理学士-生态学与生物多样性)
Master of Cyber Security (网络安全)
Postgraduate Diploma-Ecology and Biodiversity (研究生文凭-生态学与生物多样性)
Postgraduate Diploma-Molecular and Cellular Biology (研究生文凭-分子与细胞生物学)
Master of Information Technology(180 pts) (信息技术)
Master of Information Technology(240 pts) (信息技术)
Master of Science-Statistics (理科硕士-统计学)
Master of Science (Research)-Statistics (理科硕士(研究)-统计学)
Post Graduate Diploma in Chemistry (化学研究生文凭)
Master of Information Technology (信息技术)
Master of Science-Environmental Sciences (理科硕士-环境科学)
Master of Science-Molecular and Cellular Biology (理科硕士-分子与细胞生物学)
Master of Science (Research) (理科硕士(研究))
Master of Science (Research)-Artificial Intelligence (理科硕士(研究)-人工智能)
Master of Science (Research)-Electronics (理科硕士(研究)-电子学)
Master of Science (Research)-Materials and Processing (理科硕士(研究)-材料与加工)
Master of Science (Research)-Psychology (理科硕士(研究)-心理学)
Master of Science (Technology)-Ecology and Biodiversity (理学硕士(技术)-生态学与生物多样性)
Master of Science (Technology)-Materials and Processing (理学硕士(技术)-材料与加工)
Master of Science (Technology)(180 pts)-Environmental Sciences (理学硕士(技术)-环境科学)
Master of Science (Technology)(180 pts)-Molecular and Cellular Biology (理学硕士(技术)-分子与细胞生物学)
Postgraduate Diploma-Physics (研究生文凭-物理)
Bachelor of Health (健康学士)
Bachelor of Health-Poutū-mārō Biomedical Sciences (卫生学学士-生物医学科学)
Bachelor of Health, Sport and Human Performance (健康、运动与人类表现学士)
Bachelor of Health-Poutū-manahau Population Health (健康学士-人口健康)
Bachelor of Health, Sport and Human Performance-Community Health (健康、运动与人类表现学士-社区健康)
Bachelor of Health, Sport and Human Performance-Human performance science (健康、运动与人类表现学士-人类表现科学)
Bachelor of Health, Sport and Human Performance-Sport Development and Coaching (健康、运动与人类表现学士-体育发展和教练)
Graduate Diploma-Community Health (学士后文凭-社区医疗)
Graduate Diploma-Human Performance Science (学士后文凭-人体性能科学)
Graduate Certificate-Psychology (学士后证书-心理学)
Postgraduate Certificate of Health Science (研究生证书-健康科学)
Postgraduate Diploma-Counselling Studies (研究生文凭-心理咨询)
Postgraduate Diploma-Health, Sport and Human Performance (研究生文凭-健康、运动和人类表现)
Postgraduate Diploma-Health Science (研究生文凭-健康科学)
Postgraduate Diploma-Psychology (研究生文凭-心理学)
Certificate in Health, Sport and Human Performance (健康、运动和人类表现证书)
Graduate Certificate-Community Health (学士后证书-社区医疗)
Graduate Diploma-Molecular and Cellular Biology (学士后文凭-分子和细胞生物学)
Master of Health Science (健康科学硕士)
Master of Health, Sport and Human Performance (健康、运动和人类表现硕士)
Master of Nursing Practice (护理实践硕士)
Bachelor of Sport and Human Performance-Human Performance Science (体育与人类表演-人体表现科学)
Master of Education-Counselling Studies (教育学-咨询研究)
Master of Nursing Practice (护理学)
Postgraduate Diploma of Health Science (健康科学研究生文凭)
Master of Disability and Inclusion Studies (残疾与包容研究硕士)
Bachelor of Sport and Human Performance (体育与人类表演)
Bachelor of Sport and Human Performance-Healthy Active Living (体育与人类表演-健康积极的生活方式)
Bachelor of Sport and Human Performance-Sport Development and Coaching (体育与人类表演-体育发展与教练)
Master of Education-Education (教育学-教育)
Master of Health, Sport and Human Performance (健康,运动和人类表现)
Postgraduate Certificate of Health Science (卫生科学研究生证书)
Bachelor of Environmental Planning (环境规划学士)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Political science (社会科学学士-政治学)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Psychology (社会科学学士-心理学)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Social Policy (社会科学学士-社会政策)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Anthropology (社会科学学士-人类学)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Environmental Planning (社会科学学士-环境规划)
Bachelor of Climate Change-Pacific and Indigenous Studies (气候变化学士-太平洋和土著研究)
Bachelor of Climate Change-Public Relations (气候变化学士-公共关系)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Māori and Indigenous Studies (社会科学学士-毛利人和土著人研究)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-History (社会科学学士-历史)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Pacific and Indigenous Studies (社会科学学士-太平洋和土著研究)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Human Development (社会科学学士-人类发展)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Geography (社会科学学士-地理环境)
Graduate Certificate-Gender and Sexuality Studies (学士后证书-性别和性研究)
Graduate Certificate-Earth Sciences (学士后证书-地球科学)
Graduate Certificate-Environmental Sciences (学士后证书-环境科学)
Graduate Certificate-Māori and Indigenous Studies (学士后证书-毛利人和土著人研究)
Graduate Certificate-Sport Development and Coaching (学士后证书-体育发展和教练)
Bachelor of Social Sciences (社会科学学士)
Bachelor of Climate Change-Anthropology (气候变化学士-人类学)
Bachelor of Climate Change-Geography (气候变化学士-地理环境)
Bachelor of Climate Change-Māori and Indigenous Studies (气候变化学士-毛利人和土著人研究)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Sociology (社会科学学士-社会学)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Population studies (社会科学学士-人口研究)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Screen and Media Studies (社会科学学士-屏幕和媒体研究)
Graduate Certificate-Anthropology (学士后证书-人类学)
Graduate Certificate-Ecology and Biodiversity (学士后证书-生态学和生物多样性)
Graduate Certificate-Human Performance Science (学士后证书-人体性能科学)
Graduate Diploma-Ecology and Biodiversity (学士后文凭-生态学和生物多样性)
Graduate Diploma-Human Development (学士后文凭-人类发展)
Graduate Diploma-Agribusiness (学士后文凭-农业企业)
Graduate Diploma-Anthropology (学士后文凭-人类学)
Graduate Diploma-Environmental Sciences (学士后文凭-环境科学)
Graduate Diploma-Public Relations (学士后文凭-公共关系)
Graduate Diploma-Sport Development and Coaching (学士后文凭-体育发展和教练)
Postgraduate Certificate-Agribusiness (研究生证书-农业企业)
Postgraduate Certificate-Disability and Inclusion Studies (研究生证书-残疾和融合研究)
Postgraduate Certificate-Ecology and Biodiversity (研究生证书-生态学和生物多样性)
Postgraduate Certificate-Health, Sport and Human Performance (研究生证书-健康、运动和人类表现)
Postgraduate Certificate-International Relations and Security Studies (研究生证书-国际关系和安全研究)
Postgraduate Diploma-Agribusiness (研究生文凭-农业企业)
Postgraduate Diploma-Creative Practices (研究生文凭-创意实践)
Postgraduate Diploma-Disability and Inclusion Studies (研究生文凭-残疾和融合研究)
Postgraduate Diploma-Environmental Sciences (研究生文凭-环境科学)
Postgraduate Diploma-Geography (研究生文凭-地理环境)
Postgraduate Certificate-Earth Sciences (研究生证书-地球科学)
Postgraduate Certificate-Environmental Sciences (研究生证书-环境科学)
Postgraduate Certificate-Geography (研究生证书-地理环境)
Postgraduate Diploma-Anthropology (研究生文凭-人类学)
Postgraduate Diploma-Earth Sciences (研究生文凭-地球科学)
Postgraduate Diploma-Environmental Planning (研究生文凭-环境规划)
Postgraduate Diploma-Public Policy (研究生文凭-公共政策)
Postgraduate Diploma-Social Policy (研究生文凭-社会政策)
Postgraduate Diploma in the Practice of Psychology (研究生文凭-心理学实践)
Postgraduate Diploma-Human Development (研究生文凭-人类发展)
Postgraduate Diploma-International Relations and Security Studies (研究生文凭-国际关系和安全研究)
Master of Arts-Geography (文学硕士-地理环境)
Postgraduate Diploma-Population Studies and Demography (研究生文凭-人口研究和人口学)
Postgraduate Diploma-Sociology (研究生文凭-社会学)
Graduate Certificate in Leadership Communication (学士后证书-领导力沟通)
Master of Arts-International Relations and Security Studies (文学硕士-国际关系和安全研究)
Master of Arts-Social Policy (文学硕士-社会政策)
Master of Environmental Planning (环境规划硕士)
Master of Social Sciences-Geography (社会科学硕士-地理环境)
Master of Social Sciences-Human Development (社会科学硕士-人类发展)
Master of Social Sciences-Population Studies and Demography (社会科学硕士-人口研究和人口学)
Master of Arts-Sociology (文学硕士-社会学)
Master of Environment and Society (环境与社会硕士)
Master of Environment and Society(180 points) (环境与社会硕士)
Master of Social Sciences (社会科学硕士)
Master of Social Sciences-Education and Society (社会科学硕士-教育与社会)
Master of Social Sciences-Pacific and Indigenous Studies (社会科学硕士-太平洋和土著研究)
Postgraduate Certificate-Pacific and Indigenous Studies (研究生证书-太平洋和土著研究)
Postgraduate Certificate-Security and Crime Science (研究生证书-安全与犯罪学)
Postgraduate Certificate-Social Policy (研究生证书-社会政策)
Postgraduate Certificate-Sociology (研究生证书-社会学)
Postgraduate Diploma-Ecology and Biodiversity (研究生文凭-生态学和生物多样性)
Postgraduate Diploma-Pacific and Indigenous Studies (研究生文凭-太平洋和土著研究)
Postgraduate Diploma-Security and Crime Science (研究生文凭-安全与犯罪学)
Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (健康和福祉证书)
Certificate in Māori and Indigenous Studies (毛利和土著研究证书)
Graduate Certificate in Public Relations (学士后证书-公共关系)
Master of Arts-Pacific and Indigenous Studies (文学硕士-太平洋和土著研究)
Master of Social Sciences-Psychology (社会科学硕士-心理学)
Master of Social Sciences-Public Policy (社会科学硕士-公共政策)
Master of Social Sciences-Social Policy (社会科学硕士-社会政策)
Master of Social Sciences-Sociology (社会科学硕士-社会学)
Bachelor of Arts(Political Science) (文学(政治科学))
GD in arts (Anthropology and Human Development) (人文方向--人类学和人类发展学)
Master of Applied Psychology (Community Psychology) - MAppPsy(Com) (应用心理学(集体心理学))
Master of Applied Psychology (Organisational Psychology) - MAppPsy(Org) (应用心理学(组织心理学))
Master of Environment and Society - MEnvSoc (环境与社会)
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) (社会工作)
Master of Environmental Planning - MEP (环境规划)
Bachelor of Arts(Psychology) (文学(心理学))
Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management (GradDip(IR&HRM)) (行业关系与人力资源管理)
International Languages and Culture (GradDip(IntLang&Cultures)) (国际语言与文化)
Psychology (GradDip(Psych)) (心理学)
Public Policy (GradDip(PP)) (公共政策)
Public Relations (GradDip(PR)) (公共关系)
Creative Technologies (GradDip(CreateTech)) (创意技术)
Philosophy (GradDip(Phil)) (哲学)
Political Science (GradDip(PolSc)) (政治科学)
Sociology (GradDip(Socy)) (社会学)
Women's and Gender Studies (GradDip(WomGenSt)) (妇女与性别研究)
Graduate Certificates in Chinese (中文)
Graduate Certificates in Environmental Planning (环境规划)
Graduate Certificates in Philosophy (哲学)
Graduate Certificates in Screen and Media Studiesaw (影视与媒体研究)
Graduate Certificates in Sociology (社会学)
Graduate Certificates in Women's and Gender Studies (妇女与性别研究)
Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Linguistics (应用语言学)
Master of Social Sciences-Anthropology (社会科学硕士-人类学)
Master of Social Sciences-Māori and Indigenous Studies (社会科学硕士-毛利人和土著人研究)
Master of Disability and Inclusion Studies (残疾和融入社会研究硕士)
Accelerated Foundation Studies (快速预科)
Graduate Certificates in Anthropology (人类学)
Graduate Certificates in Applied Computing (应用计算)
Graduate Certificates in Biological Sciences (生物科学)
Graduate Certificates in Chemistry (化学)
Graduate Certificates in Finance (金融)
Graduate Certificates in Geography (地理)
Graduate Certificates in History (历史)
Graduate Certificates in Human Development (人类发育)
Graduate Certificates in Political Science (政治科学)
Graduate Certificates in Population Studies (人口研究)
Graduate Certificates in Psychology (心理学)
Graduate Certificates in Public Policy (公共政策)
Graduate Certificates in Public Relations (公共关系)
Postgraduate Diploma in Demography (人口统计学)
Postgraduate Diploma in Philosophy (哲学)
Postgraduate Diploma in Political Science (政治科学)
Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology (心理学)
Postgraduate Certificate in Anthropology (人类学)
Postgraduate Certificate in International Relations and Security Studies (国际关系与安全研究)
Postgraduate Diploma in Education Studies (教育研究)
Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Planning (环境规划)
Postgraduate Diploma in Mathematics (数学)
Postgraduate Diploma in Public Policy (公共政策)
Postgraduate Diploma in Social Policy (社会政策)
Postgraduate Certificate in Creative Technologies (创意技术)
Postgraduate Certificate in Human Development (人类发育)
Postgraduate Certificate in Political Science (政治科学)
Postgraduate Certificate in Public Policy (公共关系)
Postgraduate Certificate in Women's and Gender Studies (妇女与性别研究)
Master of Social Sciences - MSocSc-Human Development (社会科学-人类发展)
Master of Social Sciences - MSocSc-Public Policy (社会科学-社会政策)
Master of Social Sciences - MSocSc-Sociology (社会科学-社会学)
Postgraduate Diploma in the Practice of Psychology (PGDipPracPsych)-Community Psychology (心理学实践-集体心理学)
Master of Social Sciences - MSocSc (社会科学)
Bachelor of Environmental Planning (环境规划)
Anthropology (GradDip(Anth)) (人类学)
Environmental Planning (GradDip(EnvPlan)) (环境规划)
Ethics (GradDip(Ethics)) (伦理学)
Master of Arts - MA-International Relations and Security Studies (文学-国际关系与安全研究)
Human Development (GradDip(HumDev)) (人类发展)
Bachelor of Climate Change-Geography (气候变化学士-地理)
Bachelor of Climate Change-Law (气候变化学士-法学)
Bachelor of Global Studies (全球研究)
Bachelor of Global Studies-International Relations (全球研究-国际关系)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Digital Learning (社会科学-数字学习)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Environmental Planning (社会科学-环境规划)
Theatre Studies (GradDip(TheatSt)) (戏剧研究)
Graduate Certificates in Creative Technologies (创意技术)
Graduate Certificates in Design Media (设计媒体)
Graduate Certificates in Leadership Communication (领导力沟通)
Graduate Certificates in Linguistics (语言学)
Graduate Certificates in Theatre Studies (剧院研究)
Postgraduate Diploma in Geography (地理)
Postgraduate Diploma in History (历史)
Postgraduate Diploma in Human Development (人类发育)
Postgraduate Diploma in Women's and Gender Studies (妇女与性别研究)
Postgraduate Certificate in Labour Studies (劳动研究)
Diploma in Postgraduate Preparation – Pre Masters ()
Master of Social Sciences - MSocSc-Anthropology (社会科学-人类学)
Master of Social Sciences - MSocSc-Philosophy (社会科学-哲学)
Master of Social Sciences - MSocSc-Political Science (社会科学-政治科学)
Postgraduate Diploma in the Practice of Psychology (PGDipPracPsych)-Applied Behaviour Analysis (心理学实践-应用行为分析)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Māori and Indigenous Studies (社会科学-毛利与宗教研究)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Psychology (社会科学-心理学)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Sociology (社会科学-社会学)
Certificate in Health, Sport and Human Performance (健康、体育和人类表现证书)
Diploma in Arts-Human Development (文科-人类发展)
Diploma in Arts-Linguistics (文科-语言学)
Diploma in Arts-Pacific and Indigenous Studies (文科-太平洋与土著研究)
Diploma in Arts-Political Science (文科-政治科学)
Diploma in Arts-Sociology (文科-社会学)
Diploma in Arts-Theatre Studies (文科-戏剧研究)
Diploma in Arts-Diploma in Environmental Planning (环境规划)
Bachelor of Climate Change-Ecology and Biodiversity (气候变化学士-生态学与生物多样性)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Geography (社会科学-地理)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-History (社会科学-历史)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Law (社会科学-法律)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Linguistics (社会科学-语言学)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Pacific and Indigenous Studies (社会科学-太平洋与宗教研究)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Population Studies (社会科学-人口研究)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Screen and Media Studies (社会科学-影视及传媒研究)
Certificate in Arts (文科证书)
Master of Applied Psychology ()
Creative Practices (GradDip(CreatePrac)) (创意实践)
Labour Studies (GradDip(LabSt)) (劳动研究)
Population Studies (GradDip(PopSt)) (人口研究)
Social Policy (GradDip(SocPol)) (社会政策)
Postgraduate Certificate in Education Studies (教育研究)
Postgraduate Certificate in Environmental Planning (环境规划)
Postgraduate Certificate in Screen and Media Studies (影视与媒体研究)
Postgraduate Certificate in Social Policy (社会政策)
Postgraduate Certificate in Sociology (社会学)
Master of Social Sciences - MSocSc-Women’s and Gender Studies (社会科学-妇女与性别)
Postgraduate Diploma in the Practice of Psychology (PGDipPracPsych) (心理学实践)
Master of Applied Psychology-Community Psychology (应用心理学-邻里心理学)
Master of Arts-Māori and Indigenous Studies (文科-毛利和土著研究)
Master of Arts-Philosophy (文科-哲学)
Master of Arts-Psychology (文科-心理学)
Master of Arts in Psychology (心理学硕士)
Master of Media and Creative Technologies (媒体与创意技术)
Master of Social Sciences-Economics (社科硕士-经济学)
Master of Social Sciences-Geography (社科硕士-地理)
Master of Social Sciences-Sociology (社科硕士-社会学)
Diploma in Arts-English (文科-英语)
Diploma in Arts-French (文科-法语)
Diploma in Arts-Geography (文科-地理)
Diploma in Arts-History (文科-历史)
Diploma in Arts-Population Studies (文科-人口研究)
Diploma in Arts-Psychology (文科-心理学)
Diploma in Arts-Screen and Media Studies (文科-影视及传媒研究)
Diploma in Arts-Social Policy (文科-社会政策)
Bachelor of Laws (法学)
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (法学(荣誉学士))
Writing Studies (GradDip(WritSt)) (写作研究)
Graduate Certificates in Creative Practices (创意实践)
Graduate Certificates in English (英语)
Graduate Certificates in Ethics (伦理学)
Graduate Certificates in Labour Studies (劳动研究)
Graduate Certificates in Social Policy (社会政策)
Graduate Certificates in Sport and Leisure Studies (体育与休闲研究)
Graduate Certificates in Tourism (旅游)
Graduate Certificates in Writing Studies (写作研究)
Postgraduate Diploma in Anthropology (人类学)
Postgraduate Diploma in International Relations and Security Studies (国际关系与安全研究)
Postgraduate Diploma in Labour Studies (劳动研究)
Postgraduate Diploma in Sociology (社会学)
Master of Laws in New Technologies and Cyber Security Law (法学硕士-新技术和网络安全法)
Master of Laws in Māori/Pacific and Indigenous Peoples' Law (Māori/太平洋和土著人民法)
Master of Applied Psychology (应用心理学)
Master of Arts-English (文科-英语)
Master of Arts-Social policy (文科-社会政策)
Master of Arts-Sociology (文科-社会学)
Master of Arts-Theatre studies (文科-戏剧研究)
Master of Arts (Applied) (文科(应用))
Master of Security and Crime Science (安全与犯罪科学)
Master of Social Sciences-Human Development (社科硕士-人类发展)
Master of Social Sciences-Māori and Indigenous Studies (社科硕士-Māori和土著研究)
Master of Social Sciences-Pacific and Indigenous Studies (社科硕士-太平洋与土著研究)
Master of Social Sciences-Philosophy (社科硕士-哲学)
Postgraduate Diploma-Biological Sciences (研究生文凭-生物科学)
Postgraduate Certificate in Creative Practices (创意实践)
Postgraduate Certificate in Demography (人口统计学)
Postgraduate Certificate in Geography (地理)
Postgraduate Certificate in History (历史)
Postgraduate Certificate in Philosophy (哲学)
Postgraduate Certificate in Psychology (心理学)
Master of Social Sciences - MSocSc-Labour Studies (社会科学-劳动研究)
Master of Social Sciences - MSocSc-Social Policy (社会科学-社会政策)
Postgraduate Diploma in the Practice of Psychology (PGDipPracPsych)-Organisational Psychology (心理学实践-组织心理学)
Bachelor of Climate Change-Māori and Indigenous Studies (气候变化学士-Māori和土著研究)
Bachelor of Climate Change-Pacific and Indigenous Studies (气候变化学士-太平洋与土著研究)
Bachelor of Climate Change-Political Science (气候变化学士-政治科学)
Bachelor of Global Studies-Global Arts (全球研究-全球文化)
Bachelor of Global Studies-Global Markets (全球研究-全球市场)
Bachelor of Global Studies-Human Rights (全球研究-人权)
Bachelor of Global Studies-International Languages and Cultures (全球研究-国际语言文化)
Bachelor of Social Sciences (社会科学)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Anthropology (社会科学-人类学)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Political Science (社会科学-政治科学)
Diploma in Arts (文科)
Diploma in Arts-Anthropology (文科-人类学)
Diploma in Arts-Chinese (文科-中文)
Postgraduate Diploma-Political Science (研究生文凭-政治科学)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Criminology (社会科学-犯罪学)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Human Development (社会科学-人类发展)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Philosophy (社会科学-哲学)
Bachelor of Social Sciences-Social Policy (社会科学-社会政策)
Certificate in Environmental Planning (环境规划)
Magister Juris (法律硕士)
Master of Laws (法学硕士)
Master of Laws in Environmental and Climate Change Law (法学硕士-环境与气候变化法)
Master of Laws in Health Law (法学硕士-健康法)
Diploma in Arts-Dance (文科-舞蹈)
Diploma in Arts-Design Media (文科-设计媒介)
Diploma in Arts-Ethics (文科- 行为准则)
Diploma in Arts-Māori Language/Te Reo Māori (文科-毛利语)
Diploma in Arts-Education and Society (文科-教育与社会)
Diploma in Arts-Japanese (文科-日语)
Diploma in Arts-Māori and Indigenous Studies (文科-Māori和土著研究)
Diploma in Arts-Philosophy (文科-哲学)
Diploma in Arts-Spanish (文科-西班牙)
Diploma in Arts-Writing Studies (文科-写作研究)